
Thank you all for comming and for great discussions and science. We hope to see you all for the next HPBB in Aveiro (Portugal)
Maps have been added to help you to join us for the Welcoming on the 30th of september in our lab and for the La Rotonde accès during the Congress !
Due to external constraints, we will have to close online registration on September 15th. Don't forget to finalize your registration before this date to secure your sit at the conference. After this date, it may be able to register a few people, depending on attendance.
The abstract submission deadline is extended to September 2nd, noon (Paris time).
HPPB12 wants to promote early career HP scientists to open each field sessions. We are proud to announce our three confirmed speakers: - Dr Jacob Winnikoff form the Schmidt Ocean Institute (Harvard University) to open the HP Microbiology session. - Dr Stewart Gault from the School of Physics and Astronomy (University of Edinburgh) to open the HP Physics session. and Dr Tomas Bolumar from the Max Rubner Institute to open the Food sciences section
Due to some external constraints from INSA Lyon, we have to move the afternoon sessions of the thursday to the afternoon of the wednesday. So the free afternoon to visit will therefore be after the meeting closes on thursday October 3rd. We hope this will not affect your visit plans too strongly. The organization
The company Irian Mecatronics is joining us as an official gold sponsor of the HPBB 2024 conference! Please visit their website or the sponsors page for more information about their activities.
Online registration is also opening the MAY 15th !!
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION is opening the MAY 15th !!
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