
Congress location : 

INSA LYON, La rotonde

14 - 16 Av. des Arts, 69100 Villeurbanne


Access Map

Coming to INSA Lyon

20, avenue Albert Einstein - 69621 Villeurbanne CEDEX

Access by train or by plane

From Lyon-St Exupéry airport:

From Part-Dieu train station:

  • Take the T1 Tramway towards “IUT Feyssine” and get off at “INSA-Einstein”.
  • or take the T4 Tramway towards "La Doua Gaston Berger" and get off at "La Doua Gaston Berger"

From Perrache train station:

  • Take the Line A metro towards “Laurent Bonnevay” and get off at "Charpennes", then take :
    • the T1 Tramway towards “IUT Feyssine” and get off at "INSA-Einstein"
    • or the T4 Tramway towards La Doua Gaston Berger” and get off at "La Doua Gaston Berger"

Access from the highway  (GPS:  Latitude : 45.78264 | Longitude : 4.878073)

  • Via "Rocade Est" ring road: exit 1B then "Croix Luizet", follow "la Doua", then "Domaine Scientifique de la Doua". 
  • Via the Boulevard Laurent BONNEVAY: exit 6 "Porte de Croix Luizet", then follow direction "Campus de la Doua".

Public Transport of Lyon (TCL)

For Information, you can now directly use your credit card as a ticket in the TCL !!

All the information to travel in public transports on:

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